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APC Funding

More than 500 institutions have partnered with SpringerOpen and BMC through the membership program. Authors from member institutions may be entitled to submit their manuscripts without paying the article processing charge (APC), or with a discount. Check our memberships page to see if your institution is a member.

For authors whose APCs are not covered by an institutional membership, there are over 200 open access APC funds available to researchers worldwide. On our open access funding and policy support page you can find a complete list of research funders and institutions worldwide that fund open access APCs. Sources of APC funding are listed by country, and links to each organisation’s open access funding and policy/information pages have been included where available.

SpringerOpen also offers a free personalised open access support service to enable authors to discover and apply for APC funding.  For further advice on the funding that is available to you and guidance in approaching funders and institutions, please contact

SpringerOpen offers APC waivers to authors based in a list of low-income countries found here. Individual requests for APC waivers for articles in Computational Social Networks will be considered on a case-by-case basis and may be granted in cases of lack of funds. To apply for a waiver please request one during the submission process. A decision on the waiver will normally be made within two working days.

Annual Journal Metrics

  • Speed
    221 days to first decision for all manuscripts (Median)
    111 days to first decision for reviewed manuscripts only (Median)

    89,635 downloads (2021)
    21 Altmetric mentions (2021)

APC Funding

Concerned about article-processing charges (APCs)? Find out more about institutional memberships, APC funding opportunites and waivers.