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Table 2 The values of the community influence measure of Eq. (8) from the two network models for the nine detected divisions are shown in the left part of the table. The corresponding values of the statistical community measures are shown in the middle part of the table. Columns ‘A0.05’ and ‘A0.1’ show the results from the network connection model with connectivity probabilities \(p=0.05\) and \(p=0.1\) between neighbouring nodes. Columns ‘P0.05’ and ‘P0.1’ show the results from the influence spreading model with influence spreading probabilities \({w}_{L}=0.05\) and \({w}_{L}=0.1\). The next column ‘PT0.1′ shows the results during the spreading process at time \(T=0.1\) (\({w}_{L}=1.0\)) (all the other columns show results for time approaching infinity \(T\to \infty\)). Column ‘L0.1′ shows the results with the limited path length \(L=1\) (\({w}_{L}=0.1\)). Column ‘VL0.05′ shows the results with the limited number of visits \(V=1\) on a node during the influence spreading process (\({w}_{L}=0.05, L=1\)). Numerical values in the left, middle and right parts of the table are for strength (Eq. (8)), statistical and robustness measures of the nine divisions on lines 1–9

From: Modelling community structure and temporal spreading on complex networks