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Table 2 Overview of connections and weights used between states in the model

From: Modelling the effect of religion on human empathy based on an adaptive temporal–causal network model

From states

To state


From states

To state


\({\text{ws}}_{{Godaction \, a_{i} }}\)

\({\text{ss}}_{{Godaction \, a_{i} }}\)

ω 1

\({\text{srs}}_{{God,image_{i} }}\)

\({\text{srs}}_{{God,b_{i} }}\)

\({\text{srs}}_{{God,a_{i} }}\)

gs h

\({\text{ps}}_{{s_{i} }}\)

ω 13a

ω 13b

ω 13c

ω 13d

\({\text{ws}}_{{Godimage_{i} }}\)

\({\text{ss}}_{{Godimage_{i} }}\)

ω 2

\({\text{ws}}_{{Godemotion \, b_{i} }}\)

\({\text{ss}}_{{Godemotion \, b_{i} }}\)

ω 3

\({\text{ws}}_{{prayer \, s_{i} }}\)

\({\text{ss}}_{{s_{i} }}\)

ω 4

\({\text{ws}}_{{emotion \, d_{i} }}\)

\({\text{ss}}_{{d_{i} }}\)

ω 5

gfs h

gs h

gs h

ω 14a

ω 14b

\({\text{ss}}_{{d_{i} }}\)

\({\text{srs}}_{{d_{i} }}\)

ω 6

\({\text{ss}}_{{Godaction \, a_{i} }}\)

\({\text{srs}}_{{God,image_{i} }}\)

\({\text{srs}}_{{God,b_{i} }}\)

\({\text{ps}}_{{s_{i} }}\)

\({\text{srs}}_{{God,a_{i} }}\)

ω 7a

ω 7b

ω 7c

ω 7d

\({\text{srs}}_{{God,a_{i} }}\)

\({\text{srs}}_{{God,image_{i} }}\)

\({\text{srs}}_{{God,b_{i} }}\)

gfs h

ω 15a

ω 15b

ω 15c

\({\text{ps}}_{{d_{i} }}\)

\({\text{srs}}_{{d_{i} }}\)

\({\text{fs}}_{{d_{i} }}\)

ω 16a

ω 16b

\({\text{ss}}_{{Godimage_{i} }}\)

ss s

ps s

\({\text{srs}}_{{God,image_{i} }}\)

ω 8a

ω 8b

ω 8c

\({\text{srs}}_{{God,a_{i} }}\)

srs e

fs d

\({\text{os}}_{{Self,c_{i} ,d_{i} ,e_{i} }}\)

ω 17a

ω 17b

ω 17c

\({\text{ss}}_{{Godemotion \, b_{i} }}\)

\({\text{srs}}_{{God,image_{i} }}\)

\({\text{srs}}_{{God,a_{i} }}\)

\({\text{ps}}_{{s_{i} }}\)

\({\text{srs}}_{{God,b_{i} }}\)

ω 9a

ω 9b

ω 9c

ω 9d

\({\text{srs}}_{{God,a_{i} }}\)

\({\text{srs}}_{{God,image_{i} }}\)

\({\text{os}}_{{God,a_{i} ,e_{i} }}\)

ω 18a

ω 18b

\({\text{srs}}_{{God,b_{i} }}\)

srs e

\({\text{os}}_{{Self,d{}_{i},e_{i} }}\)

ω 19a

ω 19b

\({\text{ps}}_{{c_{i} }}\)

\({\text{srs}}_{{e_{i} }}\)

ω 10

\({\text{srs}}_{{God,image_{i} }}\)

\({\text{srs}}_{{God,b_{i} }}\)

\({\text{os}}_{{God,b{}_{i},e_{i} }}\)

ω 20a

ω 20b

\({\text{os}}_{{Self,c_{i} ,d_{i} ,e_{i} }}\)

\({\text{os}}_{{God,a_{i} ,e_{i} }}\)

\({\text{srs}}_{{God,a_{i} }}\)

\({\text{fs}}_{{d_{i} }}\)

gs h

\({\text{ps}}_{{c_{i} }}\)

ω 11a

ω 11b

ω 11c

ω 11d

ω 11e

\({\text{os}}_{{God,a_{i} ,e_{i} }}\)

\({\text{os}}_{{Self,c_{i} ,d_{i} ,e_{i} }}\)

\({\text{ps}}_{{c_{i} }}\)

\({\text{es}}_{{c_{i} }}\)

ω 21a

ω 21b

ω 21c

\({\text{os}}_{{Self,d_{i} ,e_{i} }}\)

\({\text{os}}_{{God,b{}_{i},e_{i} }}\)

\({\text{srs}}_{{God,b_{i} }}\)

\({\text{srs}}_{{e_{i} }}\)

\({\text{fs}}_{{d_{i} }}\)

gs h

\({\text{ps}}_{{d_{i} }}\)

ω 12a

ω 12b

ω 12c

ω 12d

ω 12e

ω 12f

\({\text{os}}_{{Self,d_{i} ,e_{i} }}\)

\({\text{os}}_{{God,b{}_{i},e_{i} }}\)

\({\text{ps}}_{{d_{i} }}\)

\({\text{es}}_{{d_{i} }}\)

ω 22a

ω 22b

ω 22c

\({\text{ps}}_{{s_{i} }}\)

\({\text{es}}_{{s_{i} }}\)

ω 23

\({\text{es}}_{{s_{i} }}\)

\({\text{ws}}_{{s_{i} }}\)

ω 24

\({\text{es}}_{{d_{i} }}\)

\({\text{ws}}_{{d_{i} }}\)

ω 25