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Table 6 Queries for the “Environmental dataset” acquisition from the Twitter Search API

From: Sentiment leaning of influential communities in social networks

("2030 framework") OR ("2c objective")

("energy transition")

((#ccs (climate OR eu))

("abatement cost")

("energy utilities")

(carbon capture storage))

("adaptation fund")

("environment friendly" OR "environmentally friendly")

(((cer OR cers) (kyoto OR co2 OR emission ORemissions)) OR "certified emission reduction")

("affordable energy")

("environmental footprint")

((cdm (climate OR co2 OR carbon))

("algal energy")

("environmental protection" OR "environment protection")

("carbon development mechanism"))

("alternative energy" OR "alternative fuel")

("environmental regulation")

((emission reduction (unit OR units))

("arctic meltdown")

("environmental savings")

((Kyoto OR CO2 OR warming) (ERU OR ERUs)))

("building stocks")

("ets reform")

((eu OR european OR unified) "power market" OR"electricity market")

("car sharing" OR "car share" OR carsharing OR carshare)

("expenditure of energy" OR "energy expenditure")

((ipcc (eu OR climate OR energy))

("carbon bubble")

("feed in tariff" OR "feed in tariffs")

(intergovernmental panel "climate change"))

("carbon cap" (emission OR trade OR climate))

("fossil fuel" OR "fossil fuels")

((ipcc OR climate) assessment (impact OR report))

("carbon credits")

("fuel cost" OR "fuel costs")

((quota OR quotas) (renewable OR renewables))

("carbon dioxide" (emission OR emissions))

("fuel efficient" (car OR cars OR vehicle OR vehicles))

((reduce OR reducing) ("greenhouse gas" OR GHG)(emission OR emissions))

("carbon footprint")

("geo engineering" or "geoengineering")

((smart OR smarter) energy infrastructure)

("carbon leakage")

("geothermal energy" OR "thermal energy")

((vehicle ("zero emissions" OR "zero emission"))

("carbon lock in")

("global warming" OR globalwarming)

(zev (car OR vehicle)))

("carbon price")

("green cars")

((vsc (carbon OR climate))

("carbon tax" OR "carbon taxes" OR "carbon taxation")

("green chemistry")

(verified carbon (standard OR standards)))

("clean energy")

("green economy")

(95g fleet)

("clean growth")

("green energy")


("clean tech")

("green growth")

(alternative energy sources)

("climate action" OR "action on climate" OR climateaction)

("green job" OR "green jobs" OR "greener jobs")

(anthropogenic "climate change")

("climate adaptation")

("green transportation" OR "green transport")

(biofuel OR biofuels)

("climate change")

("grid control" OR (control "power grid"))


("climate deal")

("heat insulation")

(carbon (credit OR credits) (trading OR auctioning))

("climate denier" OR "climate deniers")

("hydro power" OR hydropower)

(carbon energy intensity)

("climate finance")

("hydroelectric energy")

(chemtrail OR chemtrails)

("climate goal" OR "climate goals")

("icecap meltdown")

(cleantech (investment OR investments))

("climate mitigation")

("industry exemptions")

(climate energy (target OR targets))

("climate policy")

("intelligent networks")

(climate resilient economy)

("climate report" OR "report on climate")

("joint implementation")


("climate sensitivity")

("kyoto protocol")


("climate system")

("life cycle approach")


("co2 neutral")

("light duty" vehicles)

(cop19 OR "cop 19" OR (cop warsaw))

("coal industry" OR "oil industry" OR "nuclear industry"OR "gas industry")

("low carbon")

(cop20 OR "cop 20" OR (cop peru))

("cohesion policy")

("low carbon" (tech OR technology OR technologies))

(cop21 OR "cop 21" OR (cop paris))

("district heating")

("low carbon" economy)

(cross border infrastructure)

("e bike" OR ebike)

("merit order")


("e mobility" OR emobility)

("micro cogeneration")


("eco design")

("natural resources")

(demand side management)

("eco entrepreneurship")

("non ets")


("eco technologies")

("oil spill")


("effort sharing")

("permanent set aside")

(eco best invest)

("electric motors" OR "electric motor")

("polar meltdown")

(emission allocation)

("electricity costs" or "electricity costs")

("power blackout" OR "energy blackout" OR"electricity blackout")

(emission cap)

("electricity mix")

("power plant" OR "coal plant" OR "gas plant")

(energy (price OR prices) (peak OR peaks))

("electricity storage" OR "energy storage")

("renewable energy" OR renewables)

(energy climate policy framework)

("emission reduction" OR "emission reductions")

("resource efficiency")

(energy efficiency (improvement OR improvements))

("emission trading" OR "emission trade")

("sea level rise")

(energy efficiency policy)

("energy affordability")

("shale gas" OR "unconventional gas"OR "unconventional hydrocarbons")

(energy import dependency)

("energy company" OR "energy companies")

("smart grid" (energy OR electricity OR supply OR power))

(energy supply security)

("energy consumption")

("smarter city" OR "smart city" OR "smarter cities" OR"smart cities")

(energyaware OR "energy aware")

("energy cost" OR "cost of energy")

("solar panel" OR "solar panels")

(environmentalist OR environmentalists)

("energy crisis" OR "crisis of energy")

("solar power" OR "solar energy")

(eu energy legislation)

("energy demand" OR "demand for energy")

("stranded assets" OR strandedassets)


("energy efficiency")

("sustainable finance" OR "sustainable investment")

(fossilfuel OR fossilfuels)

("energy efficient" (building OR buildings OR car ORcars OR home OR homes OR vehicle OR vehicles))

("sustainable manufacturing")

(fracking OR fracked)

("energy efficient" (tech OR technology OR technologies))

("tar sand" OR "oil sand")


("energy firm" OR "energy firms")

("temp rise")

(global carbon (trading OR market))

("energy future" OR "future of energy")

("transport sector")

(green climate (fund OR funds))

("energy generation" OR "electricity generation")

("unburnable carbon" OR "unburnable coal")

(greentech OR "green tech" OR "green technology"OR "green technologies")

("energy independent" OR "energy independence")

("warming mitigation")


("energy intensity")

("waste management")

(model shift (climate OR CO2 OR environment ORcarbon OR warming OR energy))

("energy intensive" (industry OR sector OR business))

("wind farm")


("energy market")

("wind power" OR "wind energy")

(primary energy consumption)

("energy mix")

("wind turbine" OR "wind turbines")


("energy performance")

("zero emissions" OR "zero emission")


("energy policy")

(("combined heat power")

(second generation (biofuel OR biofuels))

("energy price" OR "energy prices")

(chp (climate OR energy OR electricity)))

(single energy market)

("energy production")

(("emissions trading system") OR "eu ets")


("energy productivity")

(("energy efficiency directive")


("energy savings" OR "energy saving" OR"conserving energy" OR "energy conservation")

(energy eed))


("energy sector")

(("greenhouse gas" OR ghg) (emission OR emissions))

(wholesale (energy OR electricity) (cost OR prices OR price))

("energy security")

(("zero emissions" OR "zero emission" OR "low energy")house)


("nuclear power" OR "solar power" OR "geothermal power" OR "thermal power" OR "electrical power" OR "electric power")

((industry OR sector OR bussines) specific (targets OR target) (energy OR climate OR EU OR emission OR emissions))

((offshore OR onshore) (climate OR CO2 OR environment OR carbon OR warming OR energy OR oil OR gas OR fracking OR wind))

(power (coal OR gas OR oil OR biomass OR diesel OR biogas OR photovoltaic OR thermoelectric OR hydrogen OR fuel OR climate OR emission OR emissions OR CO2 OR carbon OR electricity OR fusion OR fission OR generation OR turbine))